Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where have I been, you ask?

Well...I've been gardening and canning and picking and cooking and freezing and teaching and helping and stressing and sneezing and itching (allergies are a killer!) and sleeping and waking and cleaning and bathing and changing and dressing and reading and writing and praying and loving.

It's been a bit busy around here. I have severe allergies and hopefully when the season is over I'll be in better shape to blog more. Until then, the first day of school was yesterday and we are working hard.

1 comment:

Julie said...


I check your blog every morning to see if your have updated it.

Sorry you have allergies. Summer is just about over so I hope you will be feeling better really soon.

We also started homeschooling on Tuesday. My kids were so happy. I feel like I no longer have any spare time. Homeschooling four kids sure takes a lot of time. Add renovations and a baby on top of that...

Anyway, hope to hear from you again very soon.

Take care,
