Wednesday, May 14, 2008

For all my loyal readers

I know that you are only a few but knowing that you are there makes me feel obligated to post something. I really do want to post something, but I'm afraid my life is so boring and mundane that it wouldn't really interest anyone. But, then again, I have 7 kids under the age of 9 so I suppose there are those who wonder if I am crazy and must tune in to see if I have officially lost my marbles.

I have a problem, so here is a question for all you eager readers out far do you go to support your husband when it is hurting you to do so (NOT physically, just to get that out there). My husband is having an issue with my parents. A BIG issue and I have stood by him throughout it all because he has a valid point. However, I am ready to move on and get over it and he is also willing as long as we have a coming to Jesus meeting with them and my brothers. My family does NOT understand why this is important or necessary and, therefore, are forming negative opinions of us and our situation. I just want to be finished with the whole business and my husband does not. I need to get past this. I fear calling my parents at all now and I have avoided talking to my brothers. And this is on my mind all day long.

I must back up a little and say that I firmly believe that when we marry we must stand in support of our spouse. I am not saying that you put yourself in harms way or stay in a terrible, controlling relationship. I have an absolutely wonderful husband who loves me more than anyone ever has. And I love him. I think that marriage comes before our parents, but we must also be good children to the best of our abilities. I don't know if this is making any sense, but basically there is a hierarchy and it goes husband, children, parents.

Okay, I am done with this topic as it gives me much stress. I need to take care of it and do what I need to do. If only I didn't have little kids around me all day, I could have better phone conversations and maybe finish this whole ordeal.


Anne said...

Sooo, does Brian read your blog? Because perhaps he really just needs to know how difficult this is for you. Have you told him? In so many words? That is my suggestion. Perhaps he really doesn't know how hard this is for you.

Julie said...

I am not sure I understand it all. Pieces are missing but I will give you my opinion, for what it is worth.

If your dh has a problem with your parents, then you all need to talk about it BUT you need to support HIM. Yes, parents are important but you do not live with them, you do not share your life with them, but with your husband. Try to find a compromise maybe?

Good luck and I am so happy to see you posting again.