Thursday, August 16, 2007

So, it's been a little while...

This post is for Julie ;) ! This is just a little of everything post since it has been so long since I have done any writing/blogging of any kind.

I am now 17 1/2 weeks pg with baby #7. I still can't believe that we are having another one right now. In fact I saw Father Blume, our Parish priest, at the grocery store today and he asked how I was doing. I told him that I was doing well, I just wish I could get excited about this. I'm still going to focus on holding a newborn. For some reason, that makes me very happy. I think I just get overwhelmed thinking about all of the other logistics of it all. Like how am I going to actually do it? How am I going to take care of 2 17 month olds and a newborn, not to mention a 3 year old, a 5 year old, a 6 year old, and an 8 year old? See, I'm already hyperventalating!!!

Okay, happier note. The twins just celebrated their first birthday. I can't believe a year has gone by already. Part of me kept wishing for the time to go faster so that they would be able to do a few things without me constantly there for them. Things like eating finger foods, crawling up the stairs instead of me carrying them, entertaining themselves with toys, etc. Now, of course, the mommy guilt sets in and I miss their little selves. I can't believe they are running around and acting like toddlers!

We did start homeschooling this month, although we're starting a little slow. Normally school here in MN starts after Labor Day, sometime around Sept. 4th this year. We got an early start so that we could take more time off later. I still let them play outside a lot, though, because the weather is so nice. So, really, we aren't getting much ahead. Oh well!
So, Julie, if I find out the gender of this little one, I'll let you know! I should be having an ultrasound sometime in the next month. I hate to say this, but if I find out I'm having another little girl, I may get much more excited for this pg. Is that an awful thing to say? I'd love a little boy also...I think it would be great for the twins to have another boy similar in age. I just can't help hoping, just a little bit, for a little more pink in the house.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi Jennifer, thank you for posting an update just for me :)

I think it is normal for you to feel nervous about having another baby right after your little boys but I know you will do fine. You are a great person, I know you can do it. And remember, I am always here if you need to talk, vent, cry or laugh :)

Take care,
