Monday, August 11, 2008

Big things come in little packages

If you have ever met my children, then this post is not for you. But, if you have not met my children, then please take notes for the day that you do.

If you see my Joseph and notice that he is the tallest of my children, do not assume that he is the oldest. He measures in at about 58 pounds and 53 inches tall. He towers over other kids his age and looks like he is 9 or 10 years old. He is, in fact, only 7 years and 1 month old. Please keep that in mind if you meet him. He's just a little boy in a very tall body.

If you see my John Paul and notice that he is a small, petite little boy, please remember that he is my oldest. He measures in at about 41 pounds and 48 inches tall. He is by far the smallest of any child we have met that is his age and looks like he is 6 years old. He will be 9 in just a few short weeks (Aug. 28th!). He's a big thing in a little package.

Please treat my children according to their ages, not their sizes. Thank you for listening to my little sermon. Have a great day!


Julie said...

Well, I hope to get the chance to meet your family one day. With all our kids the same ages, I can imagine al the fun they would have together.

Hey, how far away are you from Canada? I will visit my sister in Kingston, Ontario every summer.


Jenn said...

Sorry, but we're quite a drive from there. The closest Canadian city to us is Winnipeg, Manitoba. That would take us about 5 hours maybe to drive to. If we could travel more, I'd love to go to a ton of places, but one would be Prince Edward Island. If we do ever make it that way, I'll definately let you know.