Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

So we got our garden planted (most of it) on Tuesday. Yes, here in MN we don't plant until the first of June. And it was cold! I'm very excited about this garden and I'm even more excited to stock my freezer and pantry after harvesting all the goodies!

We're still homeschooling. Since we took time off for Mary's birth and just plain don't homeschool every single day, so we're just going to keep going. The kids don't seem to mind most days and it'll be good for them. So, we just trudge along. Really, it's the twins that take up so much of my time and energy. They really are a handful, and as much as I love them, I do look forward to nap time. It's the only time when I can get anything done. They are boundless balls of energy and into everything.

So, that's it for now, I need to do a few things, but I will try to get on again soon.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for the update, Jennifer. I miss talking to you. I know we are both busy with our lives and children though. And homeschooling. That sure takes up a lot of our days.

I will be hoping for more regular posts. :)
