Friday, December 28, 2007

Did I make a mistake?

Oh my goodness. There I go using French words when I have no idea if I am using them right! I happen to have a reader who is French Canadian, French being her native language. Then I go and use a term like "se la vie", not knowing if I spelled it correctly, used it correctly, or even had the correct words to begin with!

You can see the faux pas (French again?!) in my Dec. 22 update. Well, Julie, feel free to correct me and tell me how I really did.

And, now to actually NOT post as I am very under the weather with a yucky cold. I have to go lie down as the twins are napping and the other four are out for a few more hours with Grandma. I must take advantage of the quiet house while I can.

Let's say a little prayer that I get some more sleep in the next few days. Sleep has been very elusive and I am not going to feel better until it comes around again!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Lol, you did well. You are right with *faux pas*. And the other is written *C'est la vie*. Now, want to talk about my writting in English? lol

You are getting so close to having your new daughter. I am so excited for you.

I am thinking of you,
